Dienstag, 19. September 2023

Day 2 (September 17) - Day spent with host family (Z.L. and L.G.)

I started my day by having brunch at a diner. My host sister and I met up with Sofia, Uma, and their host sisters. We had waffles and omelets for breakfast and engaged in a lively conversation about the differences between life in Switzerland and Boston, as well as various other topics. The food was delicious, and it was a great opportunity to get to know each other better!

Afterward, my host sister and I drove around in the car and explored several different stores that don't exist in Basel. It was fascinating to visit these stores, as I had only known them from the internet until now. We then went to Target, purchased a variety of American snacks, and enjoyed tasting them when we returned home. I really liked them!

In the evening, we had our welcome party. We all gathered at the home of one of the American host sisters. There was a buffet with a variety of typically American dishes, such as mac and cheese. We also had the chance to play cornhole, which is a typical American game. Meeting everyone and getting to know each other better was a lot of fun. I also enjoyed reuniting with my classmates and exchanging our experiences from our first day in Wakefield. It was also pleasant to meet the other host sisters. We were outside since the house where the party was held had a spacious garden. As it got dark, we gathered around the cozy fireplace.

Still feeling somewhat jetlagged, I returned to my host sister’s home and went to bed early, eagerly anticipating the next day when we would be visiting Wakefield Memorial High School.

As I woke up today, I felt well-rested and curious about how my first day in Wakefield would be. As I walked down the stairs, a delightful smell of pancakes filled the dining room. Together with my entire host family, we enjoyed a fantastic breakfast. I even got to learn about a new fruit called the "Asian Pear," which resembles an apple but tastes more like a watermelon. Combined with the fluffy pancakes and a drizzle of honey, it tasted delicious. After breakfast, we prepared to go to church, specifically the Seven Mile Road Church, which was about a ten-minute car ride away. As it was my first time truly attending a church retreat, it proved to be a very interesting experience. First, we sang some songs, and then the church's pastor interpreted the Bible, concluding with a prayer. It was heartening to see that for many people, this was more than just attending church on a Sunday morning; it was an opportunity to meet new people and connect with friends.

After church, my host, Zippy, organized a trip to the beach for us and her friend, along with their exchange partners. In the end, there were six of us enjoying the summer atmosphere at Nahant Beach. Nahant Beach is situated along a road that connects Nahant Isle with the mainland. As we strolled along the beach, we noticed many dead crabs and shells. A woman explained that this wasn't the norm but rather a result of the hurricane that had passed through the area the day before. She also told us that we could help the live shells by picking them up and returning them to the sea.

Refreshed and cooled off, we headed to the shopping mall, where we grabbed a bite to eat, and I found a nice shirt. I was so excited about it that I wore it right away to the welcoming party, which started at six o'clock. The welcoming party took place in a spacious garden belonging to one of the host families. It was the perfect opportunity to get to know everyone participating in the exchange program. We chatted and relished the delicious buffet. After an amazing dessert, most of us had to leave because the local students had homework to finish. After my first day filled with wonderful new experiences and insights, I am eagerly looking forward to experiencing authentic school life in Boston the following day.



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